![]() Troll River is excited to announce the book launch of "1:05 AM" (An Ice Era Chronicle) Book 1. This series is a decades long progressive series which means each book will have new characters with possibly some overlap of old characters in this fascinating world of an apocalyptic ice era. Here's more on 1:05 AM Yearning for a normal life, assassin Karmen-Marie has had enough. Enough of surviving contracted hits, and enough of the post-apocalyptic world. Forced to take one last job, Karma sets out across the frozen landscape of Earth. Rea MacBain's job is to ensure the safety of Earth's precious few water purification plants. He believes his abusive past must stay buried under the snow that encases his domain. A single bullet will send Karma and Rea in a direction they’d never expected. Ice cold assassin's blood drives the woman sent to kill him, yet it ignites the fire which thaws Rea's heart. What I find so fascinating about this book is the world that Rea and Karma are forced to live. I've often wondered what if...and this book explores that complete with a love story! This book trailer displays some beautiful artwork and I love the breath-taking scenery... Of course I have other reviewers and their opinions... Here are some of my favorite lines... Some might be wondering why "1:05 AM" why not Time for Snow, or The Beginning of an Ice Era or the like. Well, the time was very important to C.M.Moore as they were thinking of the series. You'll definitely be able to tell which book comes first BY THE TIME. What's the next book in the series? "2:10 AM". To help celebrate the launch we have prizes! About C.M.Moore ![]() C.M. Moore is a retired soldier, and a romantic at heart. After being blown up in Afghanistan and receiving a purple heart, he began writing with his wife. Connor’s first book 1:05 am is a mixture of love, sex, and action. Today if you are looking for Connor, you can find him volunteering with veteran organizations, and harassing his military buddies. You can also find him attempting to “hunt” in the woods and ponds of Minnesota. In the event you find him in the woods, don’t be scared, he can’t hit anything. If you want to contact him message him at [email protected] Other Bloggers Celebrating with the 1:05 AM Book Launch! A Book Lover's Emporium
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![]() Yearning for a normal life, assassin Karmen-Marie has had enough. Enough of surviving contracted hits, and enough of the post-apocalyptic world. Forced to take one last job, Karma sets out across the frozen landscape of Earth. Rea MacBain's job is to ensure the safety of Earth's precious few water purification plants. He believes his abusive past must stay buried under the snow that encases his domain. A single bullet will send Karma and Rea in a direction they’d never expected. Ice cold assassin's blood drives the woman sent to kill him, yet it ignites the fire which thaws Rea's heart. ...And Now for the Cover Reveal! On Sale for Pre-Order at 99¢ |
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