Expected to release January 27th, 2017Troll River is estatic to announce the arrival of "Jasmine: Kings of Guardian". Without further delay, we give you the cover reveal! Jasmine King loved her chosen profession until she was assigned as Chad Nelson’s personal security officer.The sex-fueled country superstar was either a stone cold killer or the target of a deranged psychopath. Regardless, the self-absorbed bad boy was now hers to protect, and she’d be damned if she’d fail—despite the singer’s best efforts to make things difficult. One minute Chad Nelson was the reigning king of country music and in the next, an FBI murder suspect in not one, but two murders. As if that’s not bad enough, he’s in the cross-hairs of someone who wants him dead. He’s got a front row seat to the destruction of his wildly successful and carefully constructed life. Jasmine and Chad are plunged into a deadly situation when the race to get him to safety reveals pursuit by not only Chad’s enemies but worse, Guardian’s. Now, positions are reversed as the country star reaches back to a military past to help free Jasmine from a bloody confrontation. Thankfully, Chad’s not the shallow performer Jasmine originally suspected, and she’ll use any advantage to protect her man as Guardian scrambles to find the killer. Click HERE to Pre-order Jasmine now!About Kris MichaelsKris Michaels is the alter ego of a happily married wife and mother who loves to write erotic romance with a twist of military flavor. A chance meeting and immediate friendship with an established author propelled Kris into a world where her lifelong fantasy of publishing romance novels came true! Her vivid imagination and erotic fantasies evolved into the Kings of Guardian Series now under contract to be published with Troll River Publishing. Kris believes in meeting life head on…as long as there is an ample supply of coffee, whiskey and wine! She believes love makes this crazy life worthwhile. When she isn’t writing Kris enjoys a busy life with her husband, the cop, and her two wonderful sons. Others Celebrating the Cover Reveal of JasmineA Sky Filled with Sparkling Stars https://askyfilledwithsparklingstarsblog.wordpress.com/2017/01/10/cover-reveal-jasmine-kings-of-guardian-book-6/ AC Book BLog https://acbookblog.com/2017/01/10/cover-reveal-of-jasmine-kings-of-guardian-by-kris-michaels/ Badass Bloggettes http://badassbloggettes.blogspot.co.uk/2017/01/cover-reveal-kings-of-guardians-6-by.html Barbara Book Blog http://barbarasbookreviews.blogspot.com/2017/01/jasmine-kings-of-guardian.html Bloggers From Down Under https://bloggersfromdownunder.com/2017/01/10/cover-reveal-jasmine-kings-of-guardian-book-6-by-kris-michaels/ Book Bangers Blog http://bookbangersblog2.blogspot.com/2017/01/jasminekings-of-guardian-book-6.html Books, Photos & a little bit of everything else https://ckwlofton.wordpress.com/2017/01/10/books-photos-a-little-bit-of-everything-else-jan-10/ Bookworm Belle http://www.bookwormbelle.com/2017/01/cover-reveal-jasmine-kings-of-guardian.html Brittany's Book Blog http://www.brittanysbookblog.com/blog/jasmine-kings-of-guardian-by-kris-michaels-cover-reveal Clarice's Book Nook http://claricesbooknook.blogspot.com/2017/01/cover-reveal-for-jasmine-kings-of.html Danielle's Domain http://daniellesdomainreviews.blogspot.com/2017/01/cover-reveal-for-jasmine-by-kris.html Delightfully Dirty Reads https://delightfullydirtyreads.com/2017/01/10/jasmine-kings-of-guardian-by-kris-michaels-cover-reveal/ DOUBLE M ROCKING BOOK BUDDIES https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=979600045474451&id=514063895361404 Fictional Rendezvous Book Blog http://fictionalrendezvousbookblog.blogspot.com/2017/01/cover-reveal-of-jasmine-kings-of.html FOUR CHICKS FLIPPING PAGES http://fourchicksflippingpages.weebly.com/home/jasmine-kings-of-guardian-book-6-by-kris-michaels-cover-reveal-preorder Jen's Reading Obsession http://jensreadingobsession.blogspot.com/2017/01/jasmine-kings-of-guardian-6-by-kris.html Just One More Page Reviews https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=1252694144778788&id=971903169524555 Kitty Kats Crazy About Books https://www.facebook.com/kittykats003/photos/a.175763005949157.1073741828.175744712617653/579215055603948/?type=3&theater LBM Book Blog http://lifebooksandmore.blogspot.com/2017/01/cover-reveal-for-jasmine-by-kris.html Little Shop Of Readers https://littleshopofreaders.com/2017/01/10/41715/ Lynn's Romance Enthusiasm http://lynnromanceenthusiast.blogspot.com/2017/01/bare-naked-words-presents-jasmine-by.html MillsyLovesBooks http://millsylovesbooks.blogspot.co.uk/2017/01/cover-reveal-jasmine-kings-of-guardian.html Ms Me288 https://msme28.blogspot.com/2017/01/cover-reveal-jasmine-kings-of-guardian.html Naughty Beauties Book Blog http://naughtybeautiesbookblog.blogspot.com/2017/01/kris-michaels.html naughty Book Eden http://naughtybookeden.blogspot.com.au/2017/01/jasmine-kings-of-guardian-cover-reveal.html Nerdy Dirty & Flirty http://nerdydirtyandflirty.blogspot.com/2017/01/cover-reveal-jasmine-kings-of-guardian.html Night and Day Book Blog https://www.facebook.com/nightanddaybookblog/posts/1220784731334409 Punya Reviews... http://punyareviews.blogspot.com/2017/01/cover-reveal-jasmine-by-kris-michaels.html Ramblings of a Book Nerd http://www.booknerdramblings.com/2017/01/jasmine-kings-of-guardian.html Read. Review. Repeat. http://readreviewrepeat00.blogspot.com/2017/01/cover-reveal-of-jasmine-kings-of.html Reading Is Our Satisfaction Blog https://www.facebook.com/ReadingIsOurSatisfactionBlog/posts/1163834817063478 Sassy Moms Say Read Romance http://sassymomssayreadromance.com/promos/blog-tour-jared-kings-of-guardian-5-by-kris-michaels/ Sinful Swag And Sass https://www.facebook.com/sinfulswagandsass/posts/1298725773523992 SMUTYOURMOUTH https://smutyourmouth.wordpress.com/2017/01/10/cover-reveal-of-jasmine-kings-of-guardian-by-kris-michaels/ Stormy Nights Reviewing & Bloggin' http://stormynightbloginandreviwing.blogspot.com/2017/01/jasmine-kings-of-guardian.html TaSTy Wordgasms https://tastywordgasms.com/2017/01/10/cover-reveal-for-jasmine-kings-of-guardian-book-6-by-kris-michaelsmichaels_kris-bnwauthorservices/ The Book Fairy Reviews https://thebookfairyreviews.com/2017/01/10/cover-reveal-jasmine-kings-of-guardian-book-6-by-kris-michaels/ Those Crazy Book Chicks https://www.facebook.com/Thosecrazybookchicks/posts/684429785062328 Twomuch2read https://www.facebook.com/Twomuch2read/posts/1487690851256213 Warrior Woman Winmill http://petulareadsromance.blogspot.com/2017/01/jasmine-kings-of-guardian-6-by-kris.html Wild and Dirty Book Blog http://wildanddirty.blogspot.com/2017/01/cover-reveal-jasmine-kings-of-guardian.html Thank you everyone for participating the "Jasmine: Kings of Guardian" cover reveal!
Expected to release Febrauary 14th, 2017 Troll River is excited to announce "Reminiscent Hearts" coming Valentine's Day 2017! Below is the cover reveal! It's a gorgeous cover by LJDesigns as orchestrated by Rachel De Lune. We can't wait for this second chance love story to hit your heart on the day of love! Lily Hill was a good girl. Sweet, innocent, hardworking, with her whole life in front of her. And completely in love with Jake Stewart. Jake was the ultimate bad boy, who screwed around and never played by the rules. He had his own secrets and demons, and for him, Lily was the light to his dark. He knew how Lily felt about him. It was the best un-kept secret between friends. But the one good thing he did was keep his hands-off Lily. She’d never survive his deepest desires. Or so he thought. A lot can happen in five years. Lives change. People change. But what about love? And now...for the cover reveal...About Rachel De LuneRachel De Lune writes emotionally driven erotic romance. She began scribbling her stories in the pages of a notebook several years ago and never considered it would be the start to the adventure she’s currently on. Today, she’s still scribbling stories of dominance and submission and is looking forward to releasing her debut ‘The Evermore series’ to the world. Rachel lives in the South West of England and daydreams about shoes – you know the ones with the red soles! lingerie and chocolate. She is a wife and has a beautiful daughter. She finds it particularly funny when she’s scribbling her steamy scenes to the sound track of My Little Pony on the TV. She would love to give up her day job to devote more time to her scribbles. For every woman who’s ever desired more. www.racheldelune.com Other Bloggers Celebrating with Us!#love2read http://ireadandiknowthings.blogspot.com 2 girls who love books https://agirlandherbooksblog.wordpress.com A Book Lover's Emporium https://www.facebook.com/abookloversemporiumbookblog/ AC Book BLog http://www.acbookblog.com All Is Read https://allisread.blogspot.com All the feels PR & BLOG www.facebook.com/allthefeelspr Amanda's Book Nook for Adults https://www.facebook.com/amandasbooknookMA/ Badass Bloggettes http://badassbloggettes.blogspot.co.uk Barbara Book Blog http://barbarasbookreviews.blogspot.com/ Beantown Bitches Book Page http://beantownbitchesbookpage.blogspot.com/ Bloggers From Down Under http://bloggersfromdownunder.com/ Book Bangers Blog http://bookbangersblog2.blogspot.com/ Book Nook Nuts http://booknooknuts.blogspot.com/ Books, Photos & a little bit of everything else http://ckwlofton.wordpress.com Bookworm Belle http://www.bookwormbelle.com bound by books book revie http://www.boundbybooksbookreview.com Brittany's Book Blog www.brittanysbookblog.com Clarice's Book Nook http://claricesbooknook.blogspot.com/ Cover to Cover Book Blog https://www.facebook.com/covertocoverbookblog Crazy Chix Book Reviews http://crazychixbookreview.blogspot.com/ Danielle's Domain http://daniellesdomainreviews.blogspot.com Delightfully Dirty Reads www.delightfullydirtyreads.wordpress.com Digital Dirty Girl http://digitaldirtygirlbookblog.blogspot.com/ DOUBLE M ROCKING BOOK BUDDIES https://www.facebook.com/DMRBB-Double-M-Rocking-Book-Buddies-514063895361404/?fref=ts Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents http://fangirlmomentsandmytwocents.blogspot.com Fictional Rendezvous Book Blog http://fictionalrendezvousbookblog.blogspot.com/ FOUR CHICKS FLIPPING PAGES http://fourchicksflippingpages.weebly.com G & T's Indie Café https://www.gtindiecafe.blogspot.com GypsyTreasures&FairytaleDreams https://gypsytreasuresandfairytaledreams.wordpress.com Hot Box Reviews Www.facebook.com/hotboxreviews Jacquelyn Vargovich Author jvargovich.wordpress.com Just One More Page Reviews https://www.facebook.com/Just-One-More-Page-Reviews-971903169524555/ Kandi Kisses Loves Books https://m.facebook.com/KandiKissesLovesBooks/ Kitty Kats Crazy About Books http://katfenton.blogspot.co.nz/ Laura Loves Books https://www.facebook.com/lauralovesbooks2015 LBM Book Blog http://lifebooksandmore.blogspot.com Little Shop of Readers https://littleshopofreaders.com/ MillsyLovesBooks http://millsylovesbooks.blogspot.com MJ's Book Blog and Reviews http://mjbookblogandreviews.blogspot.com/ Ms Me288 http://msme28.blogspot.com My Timeout Book Blog https://mytimeoutbookblog.blogspot.com Naughty Beauties Book Blog http://naughtybeautiesbookblog.blogspot.com naughty Book Eden http://naughtybookeden.blogspot.com.au/?zx=ab96630c86961db Nerdy Dirty & Flirty http://nerdydirtyandflirty.blogspot.com/ Once Upon a Book Blog www.onceuponabookblog.com Rae reads http://raereads1.blogspot.co.uk Ramblings of a Book Nerd www.booknerdramblings.com Read. Review. Repeat. http://www.readreviewrepeat00.blogspot.com Reading Is Our Satisfaction Blog https://www.facebook.com/Reading-Is-Our-Satisfaction-Blog-974626812650947/ Reading Renee http://www.readingrenee.com Sassy Moms Say Read Romance http://sassymomssayreadromance.com/ Saucy Reviews on Kinky Korner http://srokk.com Sinful Reviews www.sinfulreview.wordpress.com Sinful Swag And Sass http://www.facebook.com/sinfulswagandsass SMUTYOURMOUTH SMUTYOURMOUTh.WORDPRESS.COM Southern Vixens Book Obsessions http://www.svbookobsessions.blogspot.com Spreading The Word With Denise&Donna http://spreadingtheword319Blogspot.com Spunky N Sassy http://spunky-n-sassy.blogspot.com/ Spunky N Sassy Promotions & Reviews http://spunky-n-sassy.blogspot.co.uk/ Stephanie's Book Reports http://www.stephaniesbookreports.com Stormy Nights Reviewing & Bloggin' http://stormynightbloginandreviwing.blogspot.com/ Surrender To Books http://www.facebook.com/surrendertobooks Sweet & Spicy Reads http://sweetnspicyreads.com Sweets Books http://sweetsbooks.com TaSTy Wordgasms http://tastywordgasms.com/ The Book Boyfriend Addict www.bookboyfriendaddict.com The Bookery Review https://thebookeryreview.wordpress.com The Power of Three Readers https://www.facebook.com/ThePowerofThreeReaders/?fref=ts Those Crazy Book Chicks https://www.facebook.com/Thosecrazybookchicks TTR's Wicked Words http://ttrswickedwords.blogspot.com/?m=1 Twomuch2read http://twomuch2read.wordpress.com Verna Loves Books http://vernadene.blogspot.com Warrior Woman Winmill http://petulareadsromance.blogspot.com Whitney Cannavina countrygalsbookblog3.wordpress.com Wicked Babes Blog Reviews http://wickedbabesblog.com Words Turn Me On http://wtmowordsturnmeon.blogspot.com/ Thank you everyone for participating in the "Reminiscent Hearts" cover reveal!Yearning for a normal life, assassin Karmen-Marie has had enough. Enough of surviving contracted hits, and enough of the post-apocalyptic world. Forced to take one last job, Karma sets out across the frozen landscape of Earth. Rea MacBain's job is to ensure the safety of Earth's precious few water purification plants. He believes his abusive past must stay buried under the snow that encases his domain. A single bullet will send Karma and Rea in a direction they’d never expected. Ice cold assassin's blood drives the woman sent to kill him, yet it ignites the fire which thaws Rea's heart. ...And Now for the Cover Reveal! On Sale for Pre-Order at 99¢ |
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January 2017