October 13th Digital Dirty Girl http://digitaldirtygirlbookblog.blogspot.com/2016/10/book-jared-kings-of-guardian-5book-5-in.html Punya Reviews... http://punyareviews.blogspot.com/2016/10/promo-spotlight-and-giveaway-jared-by.html 2 girls who love books* https://agirlandherbooksblog.wordpress.com/2016/10/13/blog-tour-review-jared-by-kris-michaels/ MillsyLovesBooks http://millsylovesbooks.blogspot.com/2016/10/blog-tour-for-jared-kings-of-guardian-5.html Ms Me288 http://msme28.blogspot.com/2016/10/release-blitz-jared-kings-of-guardian.html naughty Book Eden http://naughtybookeden.blogspot.com.au/2016/10/blog-tour-for-jared-kings-of-guardian.html Read. Review. Repeat. http://readreviewrepeat00.blogspot.com/2016/10/blog-tour-jared-kings-of-guardian-book.html Reading Is Our Satisfaction Blog https://www.facebook.com/ReadingIsOurSatisfactionBlog/posts/1068398393273788 Sinful Reviews https://sinfulreview.wordpress.com/2016/10/13/jared-kings-of-guardian-by-kris-michaels/ SMUTYOURMOUTH https://smutyourmouth.wordpress.com/2016/10/13/jared-kings-of-guardian-book-5-by-kris-michaels-3/ Come back tomorrow for more chances to win!
I did not just read the book I inhaled it!!!!!! By ada Well what can I say, I had been expecting Jared's and Christian's story for some time and boy I was not disapointed. I did not just read the book I inhaled it. The chores did not get done today!!!!. The chemistry between these two was off the charts. Jared was aggrevating me in previous books but his book explained a lot of things and now I feel content that all my questions about him have been answered. I really liked the camaraderie between Jared his brothers and Nic. Some scenes in the book were hilarious. Cannot wait for the next one in the series will it be Jewel or Jasmine's story.???.. Today's links are below. Come back every day for the new links to check out the reviews! All Blogs with an * (astrix) are review posts. October 12th Nerdy Dirty & Flirty* http://nerdydirtyandflirty.blogspot.com/2016/10/blog-tour-review-jared-kings-of.html Oh MY Growing TBR* http://ohmygrowingtbr.com/jared-review-giveaway/ Hot Box Reviews* https://www.facebook.com/HotBoxReviews/posts/343787602637060 Jessica Cassidy* http://www.jessicacassidy.com/2016/10/jared-kings-of-guardian-book-5-by-kris-michaels/ Jacquelyn Vargovich Author https://jvargovich.com/2016/10/12/jared-kings-of-guardian-book-5-by-kris-michaels-3/ LBM Book Blog http://lifebooksandmore.blogspot.com/2016/10/jared-by-kris-michaels.html Come back tomorrow for more chances to win!
Another Fantastic Addition to the Series! By Bookworm555
Yep, another amazing Guardian book. I have not read a Kris Michaels' solo or collab that has not been fantastic which is why I ARC her books when possible (as it gets the book in my hands earlier) but I always purchase and keep them stored on all of my Kindles (they are some of the best re-reads I have come across). This is her third M/M book (A Heart's Desire and An Evidence of Magic were first) and her first Guardian M/M. I really liked the story on this one. Keep in mind that Jared was a cop and not a specialist like Jacob, Jason, Joseph, and Alpha team (still hoping to get the Wonder Twins story sooner rather than later), so this story does not have the intense situations the other stories have. This is more of a Jared/Christian love story with a background intrigue that brings them together (finally). For those not into M/M, the sex is fairly short and easily skipped over. I love the fact that the author does not have her leads constantly thinking and leading with the wrong head - sure they like sex but the emotions behind the act are what these stories are about. The stories can be read as standalones, as the author skillfully condenses the needed information from previous stories into a couple of strategically placed paragraphs (Jared's scar from the rescue in "Jacob" and Christian's abuse from "Adam"). However, I would read them in order just for continuity (Joseph seems to be the truest stand alone in the series). Do yourself a favor and read this series, you will be glad you did. Now begins the long wait for Jasmine.
Today's links are below. Come back every day for the new links to check out the reviews and enter to win all kinds of prizes from books to Amazon cards!
All Blogs with an * (astrix) are review posts. October 10th
nerd girl official
http://nerdgirlofficial.com/2016/10/10/jared-kings-of-guardian-book-5-by-kris-michaels-blog-tour/ Words Turn Me On* https://www.facebook.com/TurnedOnByWords/photos/a.745148962184224.1073741836.744925188873268/1322339964465118/?type=3&theater A Sky Filled with Sparkling Stars Blog https://askyfilledwithsparklingstarsblog.wordpress.com/2016/10/10/blog-tour-jared-kings-of-guardian-book-5-by-kris-michaels/ AC Book BLog https://acbookblog.com/2016/10/07/kings-of-guardian-by-kris-michaels-blog-tour/ Badass Bloggettes http://badassbloggettes.blogspot.co.uk/2016/10/blog-tour-jared-kings-of-guardian-by.html Barbara Book Blog http://barbarasbookreviews.blogspot.com/2016/10/jared-kings-of-guardian-book-5-by-kris.html Bloggers From Down Under https://bloggersfromdownunder.com/2016/10/10/blog-tour-jared-kings-of-guardian-book-5-kris-michaels/ Book Bangers Blog http://bookbangersblog2.blogspot.com/2016/10/jared-kings-of-guardian.html Books, Photos & a little bit of everything else https://ckwlofton.wordpress.com/2016/10/10/books-photos-a-little-bit-of-everything-else-oct-10-2/ bound by books book review http://www.boundbybooksbookreview.com/2016/10/promo-post-jared-kings-of-guardian-book.html Come back tomorrow for more chances to win!
This is the last day of the blog tour! Thank you everyone who participated! Hooked from the first page! I've always said I am not one for a paranormal read -- Evidence of Magic has definitely changed my opinion on that. I was hooked from the first page. This book is so well-written and so interesting that I was half way through before I realized it. ~ CI Today's links are below. Come back every day for the new links to check out the reviews! All Blogs with an * (astrix) are review posts. September 23rd A Book Lover's Emporium https://www.facebook.com/abookloversemporiumbookblog/photos/a.1601111196804104.1073741828.1601065986808625/1768043350110887/?type=3&theater Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books http://archaeolibrarianologist.blogspot.de/2016/09/blog-tour-evidence-of-magic-by-kris.html Book Nook Nuts https://booknooknuts.blogspot.com/2016/09/blog-tour-evidence-of-magic-by-kris.html?spref=tw Books 2 Blog* http://frombooks2blog.blogspot.com/2016/09/book-evidence-of-magic-authors-kris.html G & T's Indie Café http://gtindiecafe.blogspot.com/2016/09/book-evidence-of-magic-authors-kris.html queens of the darkside https://queensofthedarkside.wordpress.com/2016/09/23/blog-tour-an-evidence-of-magic-by-kris-michaels-patricia-a-knight/ TaSTy Wordgasms https://tastywordgasms.com/2016/09/23/blog-tour-for-kris-michaels-and-patricia-a-knights-new-book-an-evidence-of-magic-michaels_kris-patriciaaknight-bnwauthorservices-anevidenceofmagictour/ United Indie Book Blog http://unitedindiebookblog.blogspot.com/2016/09/an-evidence-of-magic-by-kris-michaels.html Unquietly Me https://unquietlyme.com/2016/09/23/evidence-of-magic-by-kris-michaels-and-patricia-a-knight/ Wicked Babes Blog Reviews http://www.wickedbabesblog.com/?p=44402 Thank you everyone for joining!
Amazing read! There are not enough amazing things I can say about this book. I want to get lost in the world of Everlight for days. This was one of those books I couldn't put down and couldn't wait to finish, then was immediately sad when it was over. Hiro and Sable are such amazing characters, I loved getting to know them and this introduction into their worlds. This book made me laugh out loud, seriously, cracked up and got funny looks laughing out loud. I cannot wait for the next book in this series. Amazing story, amazing characters, awesome writing. I cannot recommend this book enough. ~ Allison's Book Corner Today's links are below. Come back every day for the new links to check out the reviews! All Blogs with an * (astrix) are review posts. September 22nd Eskimo Princess Book Reviews
http://eskimoprincess.blogspot.com/2016/09/an-evidence-of-magic-by-kris-michaels_22.html Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents http://fangirlmomentsandmytwocents.blogspot.com/2016/09/an-evidence-of-magic-by-kris-michaels_22.html#.V-Re4TXxCTY Readers Heaven https://www.facebook.com/ReadersHeavenUK/posts/662397650592648 Reading Drinking and Relaxing http://readingdrinkingandrelaxing.blogspot.com/2016/09/blog-tour-evidence-of-magic-by-kris.html Reviews by Tammy and Kim* http://tammyandkimreviews.blogspot.com/2016/09/blog-tour-evidence-of-magic-kris.html Sinful Reviews https://sinfulreview.wordpress.com/2016/09/20/an-evidence-of-magic-by-kris-michaels-and-patricia-a-knight-2/ SMUTYOURMOUTH https://smutyourmouth.wordpress.com/2016/09/22/evidence-of-magic-book-tour/ Who Picked This? http://whopickedthis.weebly.com/home/evidence-of-magic-by-kris-michaels-and-patricia-a-knight A Powerful new series that will make you holler for the next book...Loved it!!!!! Oh my word.....what a wonderful story. I love a well written M/M story that includes action, paranormal versus reality, and most of all....sensually beautiful and loving acts between the two main characters, Hiro and Sable. This book is Red Hot in sensuality and not for the faint hearted. There were a few times I felt my face burning up and melting away with the passion between Hiro and Sable. The sexuality was truly presented in a way that the sheer beauty of M/M love simply made me want to cry. Very touching. Both men have had hurt and loss, but their love surmounts all that came before and gives each of them the sense of finding home at last. I loved the storyline and cannot wait for the future books in this new series. The combined work in writing this book was sincerely a pleasure to read. Both authors are highly skilled in their craft and it shows in each line written. Kudos to a wonderful new series. This book is off the charts recommended with full sincerity. ~ Cynseer Bookloveron Today's links are below. Come back every day for the new links to check out the reviews! All Blogs with an * (astrix) are review posts. September 21st Jacquelyn Vargovich Author
https://jvargovich.wordpress.com/2016/09/21/an-evidence-of-magic-by-kris-michaels-and-patricia-a-knight-2/ Brittany's Book Blog http://www.brittanysbookblog.com/blog/an-evidence-of-magic-by-kris-michaels-and-patricia-a-knight-blog-tour Jessica Cassidy http://www.jessicacassidy.com/2016/09/an-evidence-of-magic-book-by-kris-michaels-and-patricia-a-knight/ LBM Book Blog http://lifebooksandmore.blogspot.com/2016/09/an-evidence-of-magic-by-kris-michaels_21.html Ms Me288 http://msme28.blogspot.com/2016/09/blog-tour-evidence-of-magic-by-kris.html naughty Book Eden http://naughtybookeden.blogspot.com.au/2016/09/blog-tour-for-evidence-of-magic-by-kris.html Night and Day Book Blog http://blog.ndbbr2014.com/2016/09/book-evidence-of-magic-authors-kris.html Read. Review. Repeat. http://readreviewrepeat00.blogspot.com/2016/09/blog-tour-evidence-of-magic-by-kris.html Real Talk Book Talk http://realtalkbooktalk.blogspot.com/2016/09/blog-tour-evidence-of-magic.html Steamy book momma http://steamybookmomma0.blogspot.com/2016/09/an-evidence-of-magic-blog-tour.html Outstanding new series - 2 hot guys saving 2 realities! This is a great collaboration of two authors who combined sleuthing through two realities, magic, humor, hot sex and a HEA with a smooth lead in to a new series. Hiro ("Hero") is a 40 year old detective who is hot, stubborn, and the best in Everlight's police department while Sable is a 20-25 looking (240 yo) imperial mage who is the guardian of a portal between Everlight City and Elysium. Murder is happening in Elysium (unheard of) and Everlight City, Sable and Hiro must discover who did it, you get a name in the beginning but the evidence must convict this person. Throughout the story the heroes attraction and lust toward each other is off the wall but they must solve this before either one is killed or discredited. The underlying story is human trafficking which is prevalent in our society but rarely addressed, it seems like if it's not talked about then it's not really there (Victorian much?). The ending is a seamless transition to the next story in this series which I'm looking forward to. I received an ARC to give an honest review but after reading this story I purchased it to add to my collection of best stories to re-read. ~ SE Today's links are below. Come back every day for the new links to check out the reviews! All Blogs with an * (astrix) are review posts. September 20th Crazy Chix Book Reviews
http://crazychixbookreview.blogspot.com/2016/08/cover-reveal-evidence-of-magic-by-kris.html Danielle's Domain http://daniellesdomainreviews.blogspot.com/2016/09/promo-for-evidence-of-magic-by-kris_20.html Delightfully Dirty Reads https://delightfullydirtyreads.com/2016/09/20/an-evidence-of-magic-by-kris-michaels-patricia-a-knight-blog-tour/ DOUBLE M ROCKING BOOK BUDDIES https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=869845659783224&id=514063895361404 Fictional Rendezvous Book Blog http://fictionalrendezvousbookblog.blogspot.com/2016/09/blog-tour-for-evidence-of-magic-by-kris.html FOUR CHICKS FLIPPING PAGES http://fourchicksflippingpages.weebly.com/home/category/an-evidence-of-magic-by-kris-michaels-and-patricia-a-knight-release-blitz Triple A https://www.facebook.com/TripleABookBlog/posts/955618034585110
A PERFECT story! I loved this story! Be prepared twists, mysteries, suspense, moral dilemmas, tons of emotional feels and of course some amazing, steamy-hot, melt-worthy BDSM scenes. You'll never look at a ruler the same way again! I felt so invested in the characters and I never wanted to put it down. I recommend this book to anyone with a love for the different styles of BDSM and D/s relationships. Elizabeth has not yet failed to surprise me with her knowledge of the subject and her ability to open my eyes to new things in the lifestyle. Perfect receives 5 amazing stars from me! To earn a 5 from me, you must write an amazing story that mirrors real-life issues and take me through the trials of overcoming challenging obstacles to reach that elusive HEA. Perfect has done that! Of course, I need to avoid spoilers here, so just know that the issues facing Mark and Isabella are intense and perhaps a bit extreme but they are ones that make for a great storyline and many people will relate too, especially the pain, guilt, and regret that can be part of the aftermath with the loss of a loved one. Emotional feels in this book are strong and brought tears to my eyes. The ending chapters are full of emotional pulls and they are amazing. The last two words of this book brought a real smile to my face. When an author makes me feel empathy for the characters to the core of my being, then they earn 5 stars. ~ Roxane Leblanc Today's links are below. Come back every day for the new links to check out the reviews and enter to win all kinds of prizes from books to Amazon cards! All Blogs with an * (astrix) are review posts. September 12th A Book Lover's Emporium*
https://www.facebook.com/abookloversemporiumbookblog/photos/a.1601111196804104.1073741828.1601065986808625/1765205580394664/?type=3&theater AC Book BLog https://acbookblog.com/2016/09/12/perfect-by-elizabeth-safleur-blog-tour/ Barbara Book Blog http://barbarasbookreviews.blogspot.com/2016/09/perfect-by-elizabeth-safleur.html Beantown Bitches Book Page http://beantownbitchesbookpage.blogspot.com/2016/09/blog-tour-giveaway-perfect-by-elizabeth.htmlBloggers From Down Under Bloggers From Down Under https://bloggersfromdownunder.com/2016/09/12/blog-tour-perfect-elizabeth-safleur/ Book Bangers Blog http://bookbangersblog2.blogspot.com/2016/09/perfect-blog-tour.html?zx=15fbb17b97a7542e bookaholics reading haven* https://bookaholicsreadinghaven.wordpress.com/2016/09/09/blog-tour-perfect-by-elizabeth-safleur/ Books, Photos & a little bit of everything else https://ckwlofton.wordpress.com/2016/09/12/books-photos-a-little-bit-of-everything-else-sept-12/ Crazy Chix Book Reviews http://crazychixbookreview.blogspot.com/ nerd girl official http://nerdgirlofficial.com/2016/09/12/perfect-by-elizabeth-safleur-blog-tour/
Over the past week, we had the "Untouchable" Blog Tour Giveaway. Thank you everyone who participated! For those who want to be in the know, sign up to our readers group for more chances to win big! http://eepurl.com/bApcwD
For thos who did participate, below are the winners!! Congratulations!! We will be contacting you via email for completion and getting your prizes to you. Happy Reading!! ~ Stephy, Head Troll Touch this! Ms. SaFleur is an automatic buy for me. Thank goodness for one-click! The second book in her Elite Doms of Washington series is so good! When I read I look for character development. London, the heroine and Carson the hero are written with an intricate and deliberate nod to detail and believable character interaction. When you read this book you know these people and you are smack dab in the middle of the story. I loved the way Carson evolved and his intent always had London's best interest in mind. BDSM that is well written is rare. BDSM that is written this well is a exquisite treat. Five stars. ~ B.R. This will be the last day of the "Untouchable" Blog Tour. Make sure to visit the blog hosts and enter to win a bunch of wonderful prizes!! Today's links are below. All Blogs with an * (astrix) are review posts. 2 Girls Who Love Books* http://agirlandherbooksblog.wordpress.com Alpha Book Club* http://www.alphabookclub.org Alphas Do It Better Book Blog* Http://www.facebook.com/alphasdoitbetter Blazinbear's Book Blog http://www.blazinbear.com Books are my friends, come see why http://booksaremyfriendscomeseewhy.blogspot.com/?zx=580cb428eafe22c7 bound by books book review* http://www.boundbybooksbookreview.com Devious Book Blog http://deviousbookblog.blogspot.com f dot leonora http://fdotleonora.com JB's Book Obsession http://jbsbookobsession.blogspot.com/ Reviews By Reds* http://www.reviewsbyreds.com TaSTy Wordgasms http://tastywordgasms.com/ Those Crazy Book Chicks https://www.facebook.com/Thosecrazybookchicks United Indie Book Blog* Http://unitedindiebookblog.blogspot.com VampyreLady's Cover Reveals, Blog Tours, New Releases & All Things Bookish https://vampyreladysbookstuff.blogspot.com Wicked Babes Blog Reviews http://wickedbabesblog.com Word Forward http://karynd19.tumblr.com Thank you all for participating in the Untouchable Blog Tour!
Dear Reader,
My efforts are to make this a learning blog where writers can see the flip side of publishing. If you have comments that will improve your experience or have a certain topic you'd like discussed, please contact me through email - HERE. ~ Sincerley, Your Editor Stephanie McKibben Head Troll Troll River Publications Books on Kindle
Blog Roll
January 2017