Pintrest has an easy code you put in once and makes all your images Pinable! Okay, so you want the explanation as to why take 5 minutes to do this? Ummm. Okay. First you don't need a Pintrest account to plaster this social media mogal around on other peoples boards on Pintrest. The other reason ~ think of it as a "Like" button. Make sense? It's the "Like" button for Pinners. Your cover going like wildfire on Pintrest. Exposure. People promoting your book! Need I say more? In Weebly: ♥ Go to your website editor ♥ Click on "Pages" tab ♥ Go to the page or pages you want the hover button capable ♥ Click on Advanced settings ♥ Go to your footer ♥ Cut/paste this code: ♥ Save & Edit your page ♥ Publish your site and test the new Pin it! Mwhahahhhahahhahahahahhhh! Easy! ACTION ITEM: Grab the code or go here: The above is for those who want something more specific. If you don't want to mess...just do the steps with the ♥ and your golden! Yes, you're welcom
Really the title is 'nuff said. Whether the plan is advertising in magazines, book sites or just taking your book on virtual tour I just can't stress enough that you must let people know about your book. You don' t have to yell. Tweet every 20 min. or accost strangers off the street. For instance, who doesn't know Doctor Sleep is available? Getting around doesn't have to make or break the bank, but effort does need to be made. If you find ezine ads, virtual book tours, tweeting your book or promoting your book too expensive, too time consuming or you have the feeling of treading water while drowning--try doing nothing. If your book has legs, it will run away from you like a toddler and sell with a little bit of effort. If your book doesn't have legs, it's time to assess: 1. Does the book title explain what the book is about? 2. Does your description explain what the book is about? 3. Is your description intriguing? 4. What keywords and phrases did you use and did you check them against Amazon algorithms to see if they were popular? 5. Stop scanning this numbered list and read it. 6. Do you have ratings? 7. Are you priced competitively? 8. Did you celebrate the book along with the opening day promotion? 9. Look at what's next on your marketing plan and implement it. 10. Have you gone back to your book and included nifty tweet-a-book links at the end? You're saying yes, Stephanie, yes all of that. Well, then...sounds like it's time to write the next book! Today's reader follows authors, not titles, not genres. You. Tell your stories. Somebody somewhere told me it takes about 60 products to break in the "known" section of somebody's radar. OMG! I have to write 60 books?! Yep. It separates the writer/storytellers from the fop. When you're trying to get struck by lightning, the more rods you have in the air, the better. ACTION ITEM: Take away from this what you will. |
Dear Reader,
My efforts are to make this a learning blog where writers can see the flip side of publishing. If you have comments that will improve your experience or have a certain topic you'd like discussed, please contact me through email - HERE. ~ Sincerley, Your Editor Stephanie McKibben Head Troll Troll River Publications Books on Kindle
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January 2017