![]() Happy New Year's everyone! As the end of the year closes, we'd like to point our fingers to our authors as to our success. These hard working writers spend a lot of time working on craft, marketing and sprinting towards deadlines. This is why we nominate them for hardest working writers! They strive to make their goals and become better. Below is a tribute to these writers and a small token of my appreciation for their continued support. I want to thank each one for working so hard at not only becoming the authors they want to become, but also for wanting the whole of TRP to become successful with them. Thank you all! Take a look at this video as to the achievements you and this micro-publisher have obtained! To all our readers, thank you! We seriously couldn't do it without you. For our potential readers...I invite you to try any one of these award winning, fan-raved series/books. The following video is a celebration of TRP's releases of 2016 only. There is a more complete shelf of books on our home page.My sweetest I love you to Patricia, Carol, Elizabeth, Marilyn, Kris, Rachel, Madeline & C.M.Moore for working as hard as you do to make it happen!
I look forward to Nara's works and all the new TRP authors to come!
But, I feel the day is close when I don't have to give away pieces of my soul and hand them to another person to market as theirs. I get paid well, but I can not honestly recommend selling your work without recognition. Even though I write for others, I have my own stories to tell. My clients love my stories, but I give my all to the ones of interest for me--my own that are not popular or what's on the marketable list this week. But this is neither here nor there. I do what I do to get my authors stories out there. And it feels exactly like the picture above. There I am climbing up, determined to "make it". Carrying my author puppies with me. All in it together. And I feel like we're almost "there". But where is "here"? Currently I am a writer full time and a publisher full time. On some days I'm a writer. Others a publisher. Everyday I'm an author's advocate. I love helping authors. When I see an author down in the dumps, confused or worried I can't help but tell them it's okay. I've been where you've been and here is where you're at, where you're going and what you have to do. I too can feel a little lost or beaten up going down this path. Do I know this place? Have I been here before? My path, the author's path, the publisher's path is an uphill climb in which you can not see the top. Scratch that--it's a sheer cliff and we're all repelling. Me and my posse are so bad ass we're doing it free style. Just like the picture. I think I can see the top, but I'll have to let you know when I get "there". So far the challenge has been difficult, but I know this: those author puppies on my back have kept me going. I love you guys! What this means? Every author needs a group. People that understand. Writing is a lone sport. Publishing that work is not. If you are trying to publish alone that's where you get in trouble. I'm not talking about running out and getting a publisher, agent or whatever. I'm talking about crit partners, support groups, writer's covens. Even self-published writers had a cover artist, an editor, a marketing expert to talk to. Or at least I hope so. Dear god, I hope so. What I gained in 2015 is insight. The knowledge to know we've a long way to go. Troll River Publications was born in October 2012. But December 24th, 2012 was our publishing debut with Luke's Tale. We've achieved 3 years and still going. Want to give an anniversary present? Write a review for one of our authors! Doesn't matter which platform or book. We take payment in four and five stars! We have a line up of books coming in 2016. There should be one or two releases every month. As a publisher, I'm hoping readers continue to support our authors.
To the TRP authors I want to give my sincere and humble thank you for believing in me, letting me help you reach your goals and letting me carry your books. The commissioned artwork was for you and inspiration of you. Patricia, Elizabeth, Carol, Kris, J.D., Marilyn, Rachel and the new authors to come in 2016 Madeline Iva and the duo C.M.Moore (yes even you) -- Thank you. Let's have a great New Year! NaNoWriMo time!! It's a great time, a fun time, full of imaginations and people who want to get that novel done!! Writers!! This is your time of year!! For those who are still trying to pronounce NaNoWriMo it's short for National Novel Writing Month. All of November joins in for the writing of a 50k word goal! You'll see status updates, badges (we don't need no stinking badges), and your writer friends will be pulling their hair out, mumbling to themselves over calculators (trying to find out how many words they need to write to catch up on those few days they skipped). In the beginning, I was like: "The F**k? 50,000 words?"Seriously, I was thinking, how the hell do people do it? How do you write over 2,000 words? Then I got into writing and listening to podcasts and realized, this is something you can do! YES!! EVEN YOU! Even if you hunt and peck at the keyboard, you can get those words out!! Here are some things I do to get me going:
In the beginning I was both thrilled and terrified when I got my first ghostwriting job. Would it be good enough? Would people read my stories? Would I make the deadline? That's all past me now. I know what I can do. Consider NaNoWriMo your time to see what you can do! Now, after becoming a Ghostwriter I'm thinking: "NaNoWriMo." "I did that last week..." "Whaaaaaa?" Okay, it does take me about two weeks, but I realized Ghostwriting is a lot like NaNoWriMo--every month. Writing for others, for money, gets your butt in gear. ACTION ITEM: So this November, make a contract with a friend, pay yourself to get the job done or dare to write a story on a deadline for money. That last one will bring the knowledge of yourself to the surface. See what you can do! Don't stop! Good luck! He-he!
Never wonder what she's really saying with Fem-logic!! ![]() One of my authors pointed this out to me and I have to agree with her: Interview with a Master author, Jason Luke, did the MOST brilliant thing I’ve seen in a long time. For several weeks, he appeared on Facebook pages (groups) and wrote live scenes based on the suggestions of readers -- scenes that used characters from his book. At the end of the Facebook tour, he had 30 brand new scenes that he then posted, one at a time, thanking each group. THEN, he put them together into an e-book for readers waiting for him to write his sequel. How brilliant was THAT? And before you think he had a following..."Interview with a Master" was his debut novel. Very interesting stuff! ACTION ITEM: What creative ideas does this give you? ![]() Okay I realize this is another post about the SPP (Self Publishing Podcast), but Johnny, Sean and Dave are innovative guys that you should really be paying attention to. Take their kickstarter project - it's not about getting money to write another book, it's about getting as many people involved in the process of writing their book, thus involving the readers. They know that involving the reader in the process creates true fans. Sometimes it's the way you present your book that gets attention. They've inspired me to do something I wanted to do but was never able to have the time to do (but I'll make time now). Which is integrate my readers into my writing. Yes, I'm literally going to take readers off the street and make them into paper...eww...or maybe I'll just re-enact scenes of books with them (yay!)...bow-chick-a-bow-bow. No! I'm going to email them. (Hey! I heard that disappointed awwww....) reminds me of that Morrisey song ♫This will be the last time I sing...(YAY!) ♪No wait, I've changed my mind again...(awwww)♫ Moving on. Yes on to emailing them, but I've got ideas. My readers are my accountable police. I report to them. And soon, they will be getting weekly progress reports or monthly--I have to decide. But back to innovation. The main point is to surround yourself with people who like your stories and love what you do. You create a community and through that community you have an obligation to them. To make their lives better. I think that is one of the goals of writers--to make lives better. What better way than to use innovative concepts such the likes of what these guys are doing! ACTION ITEM: Watch the video below to see what kind of inspiration the SPP guys give you! If you'd like to help fund their project (starting at $1) and would like your name in a book, here's the link: http://kck.st/PqgOOZ ![]() Article Written by ULRIKE I’ve had this plan for a long time. When I would go to metaphysics class, starting in my 20’s, and listen to my teacher, I thought: “That’s what I’m going to do when I retire.” And yes, it took thirty more years… I originally started teaching after several years of studying the works of William W. Walter – The Walter Method/ Eschatology. There was a specific, rigorous plan to this study, step by step and it was very methodical. The group was, and still is, a closed society and newcomers are not approached. ‘They’ had to find us. Advertising was out of the question. “When the time is right, the teacher (or student) will appear”, I was told. It felt special at the time. I had found this private study and I was eager to find out what it was all about. The concepts of ‘all is mental’ and ‘all is good’ were intriguing, and the promise that this was not a religion or cult appealed to me even more. There were books, booklets, and masses of papers to read and ponder, keeping me busy for a long time. However, the most intriguing and best work of Mister Walter’s writings is certainly his collection of the metaphysical diagnosis, which had been added to and rewritten by several of the Board’s Directors. In class, the reading of other materials from other metaphysical writers was strongly discouraged. It was explained to me, that the reason for this was ‘not to be deterred’ from the straight path of finding the Truth; we were not to be confused by too many varying concepts and ideas. I, however, wanted to hear, listen and learn and I wanted to read all there was to be read. In hindsight this constraint was a good thing for beginners. It gave the student a solid foundation. With this basis of a serious and sincere study, I continued to read everything I could get my hands on in the world of ‘thought is causative’. There was an abundance of good reading materials and I was sifting, reasoning and chewing on the ideas until they made sense, and conformed to my proper mental attitude. I also discovered Eastern philosophies and absorbed all teachings of New Age thinking with a hunger that was incredible. I was a living sponge. Teaching ‘Right Thinking’, no matter what the study or lessons are called, is one of the most rewarding experiences I have had and still have. Learning about the Truth and to realize that all religions, teachings, the writings of the ancient wisdoms and New Age ideas, are in principle the same, was a great awakening. They are all grounded in the searching for Spirit, Higher Power, Universe, God, Consciousness, or the other names given to this all-inclusive limitless Power. The essential concept is that we are Souls, spiritual beings, and that our thoughts, conscious awareness, beliefs, and life attitudes shape our experiences. We are all striving to go ‘up’ in the scale of being. Being a teacher also means being a student. You must be open to new ideas and concepts. You must to act as a mental receiver, absorbing all that is presented to you every minute of your waking hours. Take it in, reason about it, sift the right from the wrong, stay on the good side only, and make sure that your feelings are kept on the right side at all times. Writing is part of this awakening. Putting the thoughts down on paper and reading them over and over again, clarifies the picture and allows you to make the necessary corrections. It teaches you patience and diligence. How blessed am I, and sharing my experience will only add to this blessing! ![]() ULRIKE is an inspirational writer/author and metaphysics teacher. She teaches the art of right thinking in a scientific, step by step program, that benefits all areas of your life; health, wealth and most of all happiness... you can contact her at: Website Goodreads Books on Amazon YouTube ![]() Article written by ULRIKE I’ve had this plan for a long time. When I would go to metaphysics class, starting in my 20’s, and listen to my teacher, I thought: “That’s what I’m going to do when I retire.” And yes, it took thirty more years… I originally started teaching after several years of studying the works of William W. Walter – The Walter Method/ Eschatology. There was a specific, rigorous plan to this study, step by step and it was very methodical. The group was, and still is, a closed society and newcomers are not approached. ‘They’ had to find us. Advertising was out of the question. “When the time is right, the teacher (or student) will appear”, I was told. It felt special at the time. I had found this private study and I was eager to find out what it was all about. The concepts of ‘all is mental’ and ‘all is good’ were intriguing, and the promise that this was not a religion or cult appealed to me even more. There were books, booklets, and masses of papers to read and ponder, keeping me busy for a long time. However, the most intriguing and best work of Mister Walter’s writings is certainly his collection of the metaphysical diagnosis, which had been added to and rewritten by several of the Board’s Directors. In class, the reading of other materials from other metaphysical writers was strongly discouraged. It was explained to me, that the reason for this was ‘not to be deterred’ from the straight path of finding the Truth; we were not to be confused by too many varying concepts and ideas. I, however, wanted to hear, listen and learn and I wanted to read all there was to be read. In hindsight this constraint was a good thing for beginners. It gave the student a solid foundation. With this basis of a serious and sincere study, I continued to read everything I could get my hands on in the world of ‘thought is causative’. There was an abundance of good reading materials and I was sifting, reasoning and chewing on the ideas until they made sense, and conformed to my proper mental attitude. I also discovered Eastern philosophies and absorbed all teachings of New Age thinking with a hunger that was incredible. I was a living sponge. Teaching ‘Right Thinking’, no matter what the study or lessons are called, is one of the most rewarding experiences I have had and still have. Learning about the Truth and to realize that all religions, teachings, the writings of the ancient wisdoms and New Age ideas, are in principle the same, was a great awakening. They are all grounded in the searching for Spirit, Higher Power, Universe, God, Consciousness, or the other names given to this all-inclusive limitless Power. The essential concept is that we are Souls, spiritual beings, and that our thoughts, conscious awareness, beliefs, and life attitudes shape our experiences. We are all striving to go ‘up’ in the scale of being. Being a teacher also means being a student. You must be open to new ideas and concepts. You must to act as a mental receiver, absorbing all that is presented to you every minute of your waking hours. Take it in, reason about it, sift the right from the wrong, stay on the good side only, and make sure that your feelings are kept on the right side at all times. Writing is part of this awakening. Putting the thoughts down on paper and reading them over and over again, clarifies the picture and allows you to make the necessary corrections. It teaches you patience and diligence. How blessed am I, and sharing my experience will only add to this blessing! ![]() ULRIKE is an inspirational writer/author and metaphysics teacher. She teaches the art of right thinking in a scientific, step by step program, that benefits all areas of your life; health, wealth and most of all happiness... you can contact her at: Website Goodreads Books on Amazon YouTube My Dearest Writer,
I can not say this kindly, so I will get to the point. You are a writer, NOT a formatter. Please don't f*** with word. I have PhD and am a ninja scholar in word. Please just let me do it. Don't push the tab button... no..,no..,no.,no, no,no,no,no! .epub laughs at you and .mobi just gets confused to the point that it won't publish your book. "But it looks great in PDF!" Okay, but PDF is only good for fix page size. Do you have a kindle? Have you put a PDF on your kindle? Looks like *shit* doesn't it? I love you, dear writer, so... if you absolutely MUST, give me your word file that you think looks like crappy text and ALSO give me a PDF of how you'd like for it to look. Just let me do the formatting please. No double spaces because this one line needs to be with the other block of text. No hitting tab, no using bullets! And the bullets/tab combo is really a pain in the ass. Your adorable images at the top of every chapter...THEY AREN'T PART OF THE HEADING! Please just use normal style and click the center button on word after you insert the picture. No, you may not use drop caps. No you may not section break at odd places. NO YOU MAY NOT FORMAT YOUR BOOK!! |
Dear Reader,
My efforts are to make this a learning blog where writers can see the flip side of publishing. If you have comments that will improve your experience or have a certain topic you'd like discussed, please contact me through email - HERE. ~ Sincerley, Your Editor Stephanie McKibben Head Troll Troll River Publications Books on Kindle
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January 2017