Today I wanted to share with you a beautiful blog I follow called Searching for the Happiness created and authored by Wendy McCance. She's graciously given me the opportunity to guest post for her about how I became a publisher. Anyone interested in publication, self-publishing or those curious about the life and times of those who choose to be the slaves of writers...this is the post for you! Wendy's blog has been an inspiration for me, and this is also a chance to get the word out about her journey as she carries us along in her adventures! I hope you'll take a look and also join me in my own endeavors! As always, I cherish your thoughts. ~ Stephy
The Troll Is In Wendy McCance has an extraordinary take on life. She blogs daily about it at Searching For The Happiness and I highly recommend signing up for her posts! While responding to one of her offers in which she asks those who subscribe to her blog to share their blog in an effort to spread the love, she asked me the following: I’m hung up on whether to send out queries first or should I not worry and just get the book done. I also don’t know if I should be looking for a literary agent or if I should just go straight to the publisher. It’s all so new to me. My answer: It depends on if your book is fiction or non-fiction when sending out queries. If you have a work of fiction–finish! Then edit. Then get your critique partners to look at it. Then edit it. Then send it to an editor. When you get it back from the editor, edit. Sending to an editor will happen a few rounds. Then query. Of course, after you find an agent you’ll do the edit thing over again. Then when your agent finds a publisher, you’ll do the edit thing over again. After that, you will no longer want to see your book. :) LOL If you have a non-fiction topic, then query. Query until someone says “YES!” Then see the steps above and continue on without the query part. So fiction–finish then query. Non-fiction–query then finish. As for agent/publisher topic–it depends on your goals,time and connections. The huge publishers would rather have a buffer between the writer and themselves. The agent acts on the writers behalf and makes sure each party is understood. If you go straight to a publisher, please be careful, do research and for heavens sake don’t pay them for printing/publishing unless your going the self-publishing route. Even then, don’t pay them. You can do just about everything for free. Including the printing. Don’t you dare spend a dime until you have researched that company and know what they are about and what you can expect! Go to the “editors and predators” site and check them out! ~ Stephy Writer's--just research your options before going forward! I'm here as your advocate and my answers to you are always free. Write me -- Wendy McCance is a Michigan based freelance writer with two blogs featured in The Oakland Press. Wendy has gained popularity from her original blog Searching for the Happiness. Now in transition, Searching for the Happiness is being redeveloped as an online magazine with the same great content, but additional features for readers to enjoy. Shhh! Don't let it get around but...I've been schooled. By one of my very own authors. You see, I love my kindle but I didn't know you could download .epub files directly to it. It's simple. So simple that I'm embarrassed to admit this to you, but I had no idea of the extent of my Kindle's power. Now I'm downloading PDF files, word docs and yes, .mobi files. I can purchase a title from another publisher with full confidence that I can get it to my kindle. The even more wonderful thing is, no one can download anything to my kindle without my approval. I attach a document to my kindle email. Want to learn how? 1. Hoover (or click) on Your Account (where it says in the upper right hand corner "Hi, (your name)" 2. Choose Manage Your Kindle. If you hoover--you'll see it in the box half-way down. If you clicked it's under Digital Management. NOW, if this is your first time here ever, then you need to approve the email you will be sending attachments to. So if your email address is [email protected] then you will need to approve that email on Amazon. It's easy! 3. Click on Personal Document Settings on the left hand side of your screen. 4. Click Add a new email address at the bottom. Add the address and now you can email attachments! 5. Make note of your E-mail Address in Amazon which is on the same page you just added an email to--pretty much in the middle of the screen. That's the email you will be sending your .epub, word docs and such to. It couldn't be easier! But if you don't know something's are you suppose to know! Sheesh, I'm just the publisher. Choosing a book's genre is very important! Make sure your book makes friends and doesn't get attached by genre bullies!
Luke's Tale successful launch party brought to light the print version of Carol McKibben's latest release! It was so wonderful to see everyone's support in honor of this momentous occasion! We were truly humbled by the support and encouragement of everyone who came and even those who could not. We thank you all for celebrating with us! I think we all had fun meeting up with Carol and watching the scrolling pictures of all the dogs in the McKibben's lives that encouraged this very book! It was pure pleasure to help host and connect with all of you that attended. Troll River would also like to thank the author for opening her home for the event. I don't think many will forget this special occasion revolving around uncondi Or why you should have an ISB Number. If you have problems seeing the video--go here: |
Dear Reader,
My efforts are to make this a learning blog where writers can see the flip side of publishing. If you have comments that will improve your experience or have a certain topic you'd like discussed, please contact me through email - HERE. ~ Sincerley, Your Editor Stephanie McKibben Head Troll Troll River Publications Books on Kindle
Blog Roll
January 2017